Forward is Forward

You don’t have to all your shit together or all your ducks in a row, before you choose to move forward! That’s exactly what it is, a choice. You can choose to move forward, or not. You can cross all your T’s and dot all your i’s as best as you possibly can. But, know...

The Pressure To Be Happy

Think positive thoughts. Smile. Brighten up. Find your happiness. The emphasis to be happy is everywhere. The pressure to be happy, is actually making people unhappy. We all desire to feel happiness, but happiness isn’t a state that we can only be in- there is a...

Elevator Pitch

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what you or your organization does. It’s the WHY. It’s what draws interest, connects and makes others intrigued in you. With the amount of networking that I do, I’ve had to work on my...

Analysis Paralysis

Do you ever find yourself analyzing a situation, interaction or decision you’ve made? You see yourself, the decision ahead, or how you responded to somebody. Seconds, minutes, sometimes days go by analyzing the situation, from different angles, different outcomes,...

Baggage Claim

  I was traveling this weekend, and as I watched the baggage claim carousel go around and around, I had an aha moment. Robin at Peloton’s words began to ring in my mind. We are not baggage claim for someone else’s bullshit.   Often, we take on other...