Fall In LOVE
Fall is a time for transition, as the weather becomes cooler and cooler, with the beautiful foliage, changing from shades of green to bold colors of crimson, yellow & gold. Our relationships are also known to experience an evolution- and it can be as romantic and...
Relationship Renewal Lease
Relationships are a living agreement, one that asks both partners to continually choose to renew. But, like that apartment or house you live in—you loved it when you walked through the doors, dreamt about its possibilities, dreamed together about how to decorate it,...
Does Your Partner Have A Secret Ambition? Do You?
Ambition: a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. desire and determination to achieve success. (oxford dictionaries) Does your partner have a secret ambition(s)?? Do you?? When’s the last time you two sat...
Look For Things You Like
When couples come into therapy, they start ranting off the things they don’t like about each other, what’s not working. When I start to inquire about what is working in their relationship, what they like in each other...silence. They look at me, at each other, their...
Forward is Forward
You don’t have to all your shit together or all your ducks in a row, before you choose to move forward! That’s exactly what it is, a choice. You can choose to move forward, or not. You can cross all your T’s and dot all your i’s as best as you possibly can. But, know...
Saying Goodbye to My Childhood Home
Life is constantly moving and changing. Bringing up a cocktail of emotions, excitement, happiness & sadness. My parents are moving from my childhood home. I never anticipated the emotion that would ensue as we began to process of cleaning, packing and having a...
Birth Order…Not Just Myths!
We all take roles in our family, and many of these roles are taken based upon birth order! Parents, parent their first born, second born and last born differently. It’s inevitable. Parents continue to evolve and grow, as their families do. Each spot, has unique...
‘Love Hacks’ for your Relationship
January is a time for resolutions & setting intentions for the next year. Most New Year's resolutions focus on losing weight, getting organized, spending less, saving more, staying fit & healthy. The list goes on. Where are the resolutions and goals about your...
The Pressure To Be Happy
Think positive thoughts. Smile. Brighten up. Find your happiness. The emphasis to be happy is everywhere. The pressure to be happy, is actually making people unhappy. We all desire to feel happiness, but happiness isn't a state that we can only be in- there is a...
Is The Juice Worth the Squeeze???
Is it worth the squeeze? Will it be worth it to unpack all of the emotions? Will vulnerability really taste that sweet? You’ll only know, if you try.... Real, deep love requires conflict, impasses to work towards growth, together. Modern couples today, as soon as...