Transitioning to parenthood is challenging. You got used to functioning as a twosome, and now your relationship has to adjust for your baby.
Even the strongest relationships are strained and asked to shift during this transition. Lack of sleep, never ending housework, shifting roles/identities, new financial concerns, change in intimacy, parents ‘guiding’ you on how to parent & the list goes on.
Go beyond ‘what to expect’ and strengthen your relationship as you prepare or adjust to life with your baby. Learn effective communication, stress management and conflict resolution skills, develop a family motto, recognize and deal with the baby blues, PPD, adjustment issues. Explore how you were raised, worries you have about being a parent, becoming like your parents. Values you want to instill or guide you as new parents. Discuss child-care, infant feeding, discipline, support system involvement and more.
Take the time now to start the conversation and strengthen your relationship as you enter parenthood and become the best parenting team possible!
Click here to find out more about classes or connect with us below to schedule your complimentary consultation to find out if individual therapy is right for you.